The Patriot List

You Can Make a Difference

Anyone who makes an individual contribution to Support American Made Goods will be listed below. Contributions do not have to be large. In fact, we prefer small contributions knowing they will add up over time. It is the thought of putting the U.S.A. first that is the common thread that ties the list below together. Your contribution will cover inventory costs, marketing campaigns, web design, among other costs that all add up when starting a new venture. It is called crowd funding (click here to learn about crowd funding), and we are aksing for your help.

We know being the first involves some risk. To add a little incentive, the first 100 contributors will be listed separately. All contributors will be given lifetime discounts once the website launches - we are starting with apparel - American designed and 100% American made.

The First 100
Name City State
John Doe Any City Any State
Jane Doe Any City Any State